Academic Proofreading and Editing


International Academics: We specialise in preparing journal articles, conference papers, books and research reports for publication. We can also help with your audio-visual presentations and funding applications.

Areas of expertise include:

  • education
  • sustainability
  • environmental issues
  • design studies.


International Students: We offer proofreading and editing services to international students who wish to ensure that their PhD theses, Master's dissertations, term papers and presentations achieve the high standard of English required by universities.


Note to non-native English writers: We can ensure that your writing reads like native English. Having fluent knowledge of several foreign languages and significant experience in ESOL teaching, we know how difficult it is to be accurate in the written form, and can assist you with additional emphasis on syntax and grammar.



All work is guaranteed confidential. Please contact us to discuss your specific proofreading and editing requirements and to obtain a quote.